At 5,280 feet in elevation, Denver, Colorado gets hot! Commercial building owners, building engineers and property managers are no strangers to this issue. Not only do they have to deal with exorbitant utility costs, but they also are faced with tenant complaints over “hot spots”. The amount of heat that transfers through glass into an office building can be huge.
Conversely, in winter months heat from inside a building is lost at an extraordinary rate. In fact, it’s estimated that between 12 and 30% of your annual energy bill goes toward making up for the heat loss through your glass.
A Solar Solution Window Tinting & Films of Denver (ASSI) understands the impact that glass has on energy costs. That’s why we offer the best quality solar control window films on the market. Our manufacturers include, LLumar, Vista, Huper Optik, CoolVu and Heat Shield.
Most solar control window tints are designed to reduce the heat load emitted through glass. These films are available in many different versions:
- Clear
- Grey
- Silver
- Bronze
- Reflective
- 4 Mil, 7 Mil, 8 Mil, 11 Mil and 15 Mil thickness
Choosing the appropriate solar control film isn’t difficult, but there are certain considerations you should look at. Are you concerned about the film possibly changing the exterior appearance of your building? Depending on the color of your existing glass, window film may change the look from outside. In many cases, customers actually want to change that look. Selecting the right film can add overall uniformity, which makes your building look sharp.
Reflective solar control films do an excellent job with reducing heat because they reflect the solar heat right at the glass. This greatly limits how much heat is allowed in. In many commercial areas, this film is ideal, but in some cases building owners or property managers don’t want a reflective exterior look.
If you’re looking for added security to your building, you might want to consider a thicker solar control film. Thicker films hold the glass together, making it more difficult for someone to penetrate the glass. A Solar Solution Window Tinting & Films of Denver can also provide wet glazing with Dow Corning 995 Structural Adhesive. This will help adhere to film to the frame of your windows or doors. Additionally, we can apply C-Bond I Installation Solution, which literally makes glass 100 times stronger.
Another popular product is our Vista Low-e Series of window films. Low-e stands for low emissivity. The films provide an insulating barrier to windows that improves year-round energy efficiency by helping retain heat in winter months, while helping keep heat out in the summer. Check out our Vista Ambiance VE35 and Vista Radiance VE50 Low-e window films to see how window film can save you money year round.
For more information on our solar control window film products, call us today at 303-567-2845. We offer on-site and contact free consultations.