Baby, it’s getting hot out there! It’s pretty toasty inside too. Do you find yourself in a constant battle with the temperature in your home? It seems like it’s either sweltering hot inside during the summer months or too chilly in the winter. The Colorado sun is destroying your home. Are your furniture, hardwood floors and art work fading?
You do have choices. You can spend between $3300.00 to over $5000.00 upgrading or replacing your air conditioning unit. You could hire an energy auditing company to analyze the overall efficiency of your home, however most Colorado energy auditing companies recommend us for all season home window tinting. They may also recommend replacing your windows and air-conditioner or suggest that you add insulation to your attic.
One upgrade that is frequently overlooked is applying window film to your existing windows. There are many types of window film, all designed to solve specific concerns. Some window films reduce solar heat load. Others provide safety and security or protect glass from vandal’s acid graffiti. There are even decorative films available in frosts, gradients and patterns.
Homeowners that have serious temperature issues, however are typically very happy with the results achieved through the use of Eastman Chemicals Vista Low-e window films. Vista home Low-e (low-emissivity) films provide an unparalleled glass-insulating barrier to residential windows that improves year-round energy efficiency. Vista low-e film reduce solar heat from entering through your home’s windows during hot summer months, while redirecting warm radiant heat back inside your home in the winter.
· Rejects up to 72% of solar energy and retains heat cooler months reducing year- round energy costs.
· Blocks 99% of the ultraviolet rays, helping to protect furnishings by reducing premature fading.
· Specifically designed for colder climates like Colorado to reduce heat loss.
· Optically clear sputtered film with advanced color stable technology.
· Manufacturer’s limited warranty.
Ambiance VE-50 SR CDF
· Rejects up to 57% of solar energy and retains heat in cooler months reducing year- round energy costs.
· Blocks 99% of ultraviolet rays, helping to protect furnishings by reducing premature fading.
· Specifically designed for colder climates like Colorado to reduce heat loss.
· Optical clear sputtered film with advanced color stable technology.
· Manufacturer’s limited warranty.
Check out our Rocky Mountain High Vista VE-35 Ambiance Low-e Window Film Case Study.
If you’re looking for maximum protection from the sun at a fair price from Denver’s top window film company, call A Solar Solution Window Tinting & Films of Denver today at 303-567-2834.